Sunday, March 18, 2012

2012 Milestone #7....Mission Trip!!

Youth Group Class of 2012
Milestone #7....Lindsay's last mission trip with her youth group.

Lindsay's youth group went skiing (in Colorado, I think) during spring break of her freshman year.  When the youth pastor started discussing a mission trip to Dominican Republic during spring break of her sophomore year, I was just a little freaked out.  I was nervous enough about sending her skiing, but Dominican Republic??  Out of the country??  No way!!  Of course we let her go and she loved it.  The youth group went to Costa Rica during spring break of her junior year.

And now here we are...her final mission trip with the youth group...they went back to the Dominican Republic.  I'm sure I was more emotional about it than she was.  I cried when it was time for them to load the bus.  I'm not even sure I cried the first year she went out of the country.

We got to the church about 1:30 a.m. since they were leaving for the airport about 2:00 a.m.  They finally pulled out about 2:15.  They had a layover in Ft. Lauderdale, but Spirit Airlines oversold the flight, so they had quite a delay in Florida.  The kids kept themselves busy by eating, sleeping and playing Ninja.  I'm not sure what time they finally landed in DR, but they made it safely!  One of the couples from our group did stay back so all of the youth and other adults could fly together.  They ended up having to drive to another airport and catch a flight, because they couldn't get one from Ft. Lauderdale.  But they made it safely as well!

The youth group stays at Score International facilities when they go to DR.  Once they got their luggage in their rooms, they practiced their puppets and drama then went to bed as soon as possible.  They were exhausted.

During this trip, they visited villages and an orphanage.  They provided much needed food, diapers, and toilet paper, played basketball and vollyeball, performed dramas and puppet shows, painted faces and created animal balloons, distributed Bibles, played with the children, attended church services, and much much more.  Of course they ate at their favorite restaurant in DR...El Sueno (pizza and ice cream), and Lindsay and a small group even went to the local Hard Rock Cafe to celebrate a friend's birthday on their last day.  She even learned how to bargain with the locals when buying goodies to bring home.

But most importantly...Lindsay grew spiritually and is more equipped to minister on her mission field here at home.

The rest of the post is pictures from the trip.  Enjoy!!

Lindsay is introducing the puppet show


Our girls playing volleyball with some local girls
Lindsay introducing the puppet show
handing out bracelets

love those smiles!!

visiting the orphange...Lindsay is letting one of the girls from the orphanage write in her journal :)
Cin-de-rel-la, dressed in yella, went upstairs to kiss a remember those hand slap games on the playground

going to church

I'm pretty sure Lindsay is one of those puppets...I just don't know which one

Lindsay introducing the puppet show
again, I'm pretty sure Lindsay is one of those puppets...
I'm not sure to whom Lindsay is aiming that frisbee
face painting
our guys playing ball with some of the villagers

love the smile on this little girl's face!
waiting in line to take food and other items to the villagers
Lindsay is giving items to one of the villagers
handing out Bibles to the villagers :)
our pastor with one of the village families

the kids get a much deserved day on Catalina Island

Thank you, Lord for the blessings that our youth were able to share this week!

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